20 октября 2022 г.
In the summer, the Constitutional Court examined the story of a businessman whose criminal case had been pending for ten years. The statute of limitations on prosecution had expired, but the investigators refused to terminate it because the businessman did not agree to non-rehabilitative grounds. The Constitutional Court explained what to do, but helped the law enforcement officers rather than the suspects and the accused. Also in the selection of decisions of the Constitutional Court is the application of a former individual entrepreneur to recover contribution debts and the closing of a gap in the law that the legislator had simply forgotten about.
26 сентября 2022 г.
The Appeal Board of the Supreme Court found that the results of such measurements are confirmed by the information contained in the Federal Information Fund on Ensuring Uniformity of Measurements, rather than by a certificate of verification of the measuring instrument, which has ceased to be a document.
7 сентября 2022 г.
How to reduce the cadastral value of three plots that are shared for a motocross track? Sergey Volosnikov, head of the financial analysis department at Alliance Legal CG, used a real-life example to demonstrate all possible ways of revising the cadastral value provided for by current legislation.
29 августа 2022 г.
At the beginning of August, the Central Bank presented a document outlining the main issues and challenges for the development of the financial market in the new realities. Market participants commented on it. They criticised the regulator's proposal to create a fund to support the sector, which would be formed from the funds of financial institutions themselves. In addition, they proposed to exclude the ESG-aid from the document. At the same time, the experts polled by note that the Central Bank in the document did not touch upon the main problem faced by banks in Russia, and some of its ideas would be suitable for calmer times.
24 августа 2022 г.
Two articles are planned to be removed from the Criminal Code.
15 августа 2022 г.
Anyone who has a bank account and uses it for business, personal settlements, additional earnings or large money transfers is at risk of falling under the restrictions imposed by the "anti-money laundering" law 115-FZ. Experts interviewed by told us how to avoid being blocked and what to do if you do encounter them. One lawyer explained how to successfully challenge a bank's decision in court, using a case from his practice.
8 августа 2022 г.
Ksenia Panteleeva is the Head of the Ural office of Alliance Legal CG (Yekaterinburg) since January 2022. She is the Head of Corporate and Labor Law Practice and the Advisor of Dispute Resolution Practice. She consults then clients and represents their interests in Corporate Law, Right in Personam and Right in Rem issues. Ksenia has a highly respected reputation as a top expert in tax structuring and dispute resolution.
We talked to Ksenia Panteleeva about the current goals set in her department and about the competences and qualities that a modern regional office manager should have in the leading law fi rm to provide prompt and professional legal support to the clients.
2 августа 2022 г.
The Court noted that regional public authorities have the right to decide on a different general rule for calculating the payment for a given public service than that established by the Russian Government
1 августа 2022 г.
It is not uncommon for banks to charge a fee to a customer's account for this service: "transferring money to a third party recoverer under a writ of execution". This is illegal in some cases. Yunona Sizykh (Alliance Legal CG) explained the bank's mistake and how to restore justice
27 июля 2022 г.
The ministry proposed that employees of Russian companies working abroad should be required to pay taxes in Russia, that compensation payments to remote workers should be exempt from personal income tax, and that the procedure for granting social tax deductions should be simplified.