Criminal law Practice
Recommended lawyers, 2023
Sergey Prybilev is recommended by PRAVO300 individual ranking of lawyers in the "Criminal law" category.
Recommended lawyers, 2023
Alexander Sergeev is recommended by PRAVO300 individual ranking of lawyers in the "Criminal law" category.
PRAVO 300, 2023
Criminal law
PRAV0300, 2022
Category "Criminal law and process"
Recommended lawyers, 2021
Partner Dmitriy Fesko is recommended by the individual ranking of lawyers by PRAVO-300 in the Tax Advisory and Dispute Resolution and Sanctions Law categories
Recommended lawyers, 2021
Ksenia Amdur is recommended by the individual ranking of lawyers by PRAVO-300 in the Criminal Law and Dispute Resolution in the General Jurisdiction Courts categories
Recommended lawyers, 2021
Sergey Pribylev is recommended by the individual ranking of lawyers by PRAVO-300 in the "Criminal Law" category
PRAV0300, 2021
Tax advice and disputes
PRAV0300, 2021
Category "Criminal law and process"
Recommended lawyers, 2020
Partner Nikolay Popov is recommended by the individual rating of lawyers PRAVO-300 in the category "Criminal Law".
PRAV0300, 2020
Category "Criminal law and process"
PRAV0300, 2019
Partner Nikolay Popov is recommended by the individual rating of lawyers PRAVO-300 in the category "Criminal Law".
PRAVO300, 2019
Category "Criminal law and process"
PRAVO300, 2018
Criminal law and process
PRAVO300, 2017
Category "Criminal law and process"
PRAVO300, 2016
Category "Criminal law and process"