Partner Evgeny Karnoukhov is recommended by PRAVO300 individual ranking of lawyers in the "Arbitration, Large Disputes -High Markets", "Dispute resolution in courts of general jurisdiction", "Bankruptcy", categories.
Ksenia Panteleeva is recommended by PRAVO300 individual ranking of lawyers in the categories "Arbitration (large disputes - high market)", "Tax consulting and disputes", "Arbitration, Large Disputes -High Markets".
Partner Evgeny Karnoukhov is recommended by PRAVO300 individual ranking of lawyers in the "Arbitration, Large Disputes -High Markets", "Dispute resolution in courts of general jurisdiction", "Bankruptcy", categories.
Ksenia Panteleeva is recommended by PRAVO300 individual ranking of lawyers in the categories "Arbitration (large disputes - high market)", "Tax consulting and disputes", "Dispute resolution in courts of general jurisdiction".
Partner Dmitriy Fesko is recommended by PRAVO-300, an individual ranking of lawyers in the Tax Advisory and Dispute Resolution and Sanctions Law categories
Partner Evgeny Karnoukhov is recommended by the PRAVO-300 individual ranking of lawyers in the "Dispute resolution in courts of general jurisdiction" category
Partner Dmitriy Fesko is recommended by the individual ranking of lawyers by PRAVO-300 in the Tax Advisory and Dispute Resolution and Sanctions Law categories
Ksenia Amdur is recommended by the individual ranking of lawyers by PRAVO-300 in the Criminal Law and Dispute Resolution in the General Jurisdiction Courts categories
Effective analysis of the project at various stages of the project allows you to predict the possible outcome from cooperating with Alliance Legal CG. This is a guarantee of a high percentage of victories in litigation and extrajudicial conflicts.
Strong command of partners, united resources and competencies, one geographic space, the achievement of the final result are the fundamental principles of our firm, and we sincerely believe in their inviolability