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24 января 2025 г.
20 ноября 2024 г.
The official print publication of the Government of Russian Federation, "Russian Newspaper" published an article by Nikita Rozhentsov, Advocate, Counselor of the Criminal Law Practice of Alliance Legal Consulting Group.
11 ноября 2024 г.
The legal portal “Pravo300” published an article by Sergey Ovechkin, Head of the Department of Forensic Technical and Handwriting Expertise and Olga Podoprigorina, Senior Chemical Expert, Head of the Laboratory of ANO “NEB”. “Types of aggressive impact. Part 2: CHEMICAL AND MECHANICAL IMPACT ON DOCUMENT”.
29 октября 2024 г.
Elena Mikhailovskaya, advocate, counselor of criminal law and general practice of Alliance Legal Consulting Group, speaker at XVI International Conference event “Economic Crimes: Russian and Foreign Experience”.
25 октября 2024 г.
The legal portal ‘’ published a commentary by Nikita Rozhentsov, advocate, adviser of criminal law and general practice of the Alliance Legal Consulting Group.
22 октября 2024 г.
The professional publication ‘Economy and Life’ published a commentary by Yunona Friedman, Senior General Practice Consultant at Alliance Legal Consulting Group.
17 октября 2024 г.
Elena Mikhailovskaya, Advocate, Counsellor of Criminal Law and General Practice of Alliance Legal Consulting Group, speaker at the of ‘Discussion practice of criminal law application. MSLA - ALL RUSSIA’.
9 октября 2024 г.
Professional journal ‘Economy and Life’ published an article by Daria Vintovkina, general practice consultant at Alliance Legal Consulting Group.
25 сентября 2024 г.
The course on the history of the Russian legal system ‘Russia: Law Through the Ages’, created by Alliance Legal Consulting Group together with the educational platform Synchronisation, was awarded the first national prize in the field of legal marketing - Best Law Firm Marketing.
25 сентября 2024 г.
The legal portal ‘’ published a comment by Daria Panova, Public Relations Specialist of the Consulting Group ‘Alliance Legal’, in the publication dedicated to the conference ‘Law Firm Marketing 18 Pro Max’ and the Best Law Firm Marketing award ceremony.