The course on the history of the Russian legal system ‘Russia: Law Through the Ages’, created by Alliance Legal Consulting Group together with the educational platform Synchronisation, was awarded the first national prize in the field of legal marketing - Best Law Firm Marketing.

The history course about Russian legal system ‘Russia: Law Through the Ages’, created by Alliance Legal Consulting Group together with the educational platform Synchronisation, has been awarded the first national prize in the field of legal marketing - Best Law Firm Marketing.
The award honours the most significant and effective marketing projects in the legal market. The Expert Council consists of representatives of major marketing agencies, journalists and inhouse lawyers.
Alliance Legal Consulting Group has set itself the task of showing that it is law that is the binding substance of the formation and development of the state, and it is law that has always been the way out of the most difficult situations.
The aim of the project is not only to demonstrate how the development of the legal system influenced the quality of life of people and the development of the state, but also to reveal the thesis of Professor S. S. Alekseev ‘ascent to the law’ on the example of a particular country. There were epochs when the law did not keep up with the development of the country, and there were epochs when the development of the country did not keep up with the law. In all cases, it inevitably affected all aspects of life of the state and its citizens. And nowadays, it is law that is the way out of the crisis situation.
One of the most important key factors of this project is its charitable mission, that is why the course is placed in the public domain and is absolutely free for all those who wish to get the knowledge so necessary in our time in an era when history is being made and there is nothing more valuable than information compiled by competent experts and professionals in their field.
Project managers: Dmitry Fesko, Evgeny Karnoukhov, Daria Panova.
Official website of the Best Law Marketing Firm award