In the plenary session: "Criminal and Legal Security Policies".

Nikita Rozhentsov - advocate, counselor of criminal law and general practice of Alliance Legal Consulting Group.
Speaker of the XX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Kovalev Readings".
In the plenary session: "Criminal and legal policy in the field of security".
Criminal legal policy is one of the main strategies for the protection of society, the state and each individual. However, so far this institution has not been given the necessary attention and the vectors of development of criminal law are not in a clear paradigm of developed tools, but unsystematically, chaotically building into the criminal law new forms and constructions that raise reasonable doubts about their appropriateness. When discussing these novelties, we often go into excessive detail, not seeing behind this small global goals and objectives set during the reform of legislation. However, it seems to us that the reason for all the troubles is the lack of a clear systemic approach to the formation of the concept of criminal law policy for decades to come. In this connection it is proposed to discuss how we see this policy, what directions it should address and whether it is possible for us to consider projects and proposals in this area already today.
*in honor of the centenary of M.I. Kovalev
February 16, 2024, Ekaterinburg, Russia.
Alliance Legal Consulting Group is the General Partner of the XX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Kovalev Readings".