Ural State Law Academy, specialty "Lawyer".
Certificate of tax consultant.
Nikita is a full member of the Chamber of Tax Consultants. As an advocate, he specializes in protecting clients during tax audits, investigations and legal proceedings on tax crimes.
As a general practitioner, Nikita oversees projects in the field of intellectual property rights and business reputation protection, compensation for damages caused by non-contractual liability, as well as in the field of administrative, investment, antimonopoly, tax, corporate and labor law. In implementing specific projects, Nikita directly advises and represents the interests of clients, as well leads the activities of working groups.
Nikita is responsible for the firm's interaction with the Scientific and Educational Centre of O.E. Kutafin Moscow State Law University, regularly participating in scientific and educational events aimed at integrating science and practice in the field of criminal law.
Prior to joining Alliance Legal CG, Nikita acquired the wide range of experience in legal support of business processes, working in the legal department of a large pharmaceutical company.