Partner Evgeny Karnoukhov is recommended by PRAVO300 individual ranking of lawyers in the "Arbitration, Large Disputes -High Markets", "Dispute resolution in courts of general jurisdiction", "Bankruptcy", categories.
Ksenia Panteleeva is recommended by PRAVO300 individual ranking of lawyers in the categories "Arbitration (large disputes - high market)", "Tax consulting and disputes", "Arbitration, Large Disputes -High Markets".
Partner Evgeny Karnoukhov is recommended by PRAVO300 individual ranking of lawyers in the "Arbitration, Large Disputes -High Markets", "Dispute resolution in courts of general jurisdiction", "Bankruptcy", categories.
Ksenia Panteleeva is recommended by PRAVO300 individual ranking of lawyers in the categories "Arbitration (large disputes - high market)", "Tax consulting and disputes", "Dispute resolution in courts of general jurisdiction".
Partner Dmitriy Fesko is recommended by PRAVO-300, an individual ranking of lawyers in the Tax Advisory and Dispute Resolution and Sanctions Law categories
Partner Evgeny Karnoukhov is recommended by the PRAVO-300 individual ranking of lawyers in the "Dispute resolution in courts of general jurisdiction" category
Partner Dmitriy Fesko is recommended by the individual ranking of lawyers by PRAVO-300 in the Tax Advisory and Dispute Resolution and Sanctions Law categories
Ksenia Amdur is recommended by the individual ranking of lawyers by PRAVO-300 in the Criminal Law and Dispute Resolution in the General Jurisdiction Courts categories